I don’t really know what to write about this experience but I’ll try my damn hardest . . .
On Saturday March 2nd while on a quick baby moon in Palm Springs my water broke while I was out for dinner with my husband and his brother.
My husband and I went to the local ER assuming it was just some un-important “leakage”. We quickly found out that my water had ruptured and I was having contractions every 10 minutes. The doctor on call came to speak with us and told us that we could be having the baby by morning and that we needed to stay in hospital, in Palm Springs, for a minimum of 5 weeks. I’m sorry, WHAT? If the baby stayed put they would induce me in 5 weeks. If the baby came it would need to be in the NICU for a minimum of 5 weeks.
Cue the shock, panic, racing thoughts and tears.
. . . We are from Canada. We can not be in this hospital for 5 plus weeks. We can not actually be having our baby at 29 weeks. We can not afford out of country medical bills. We need our family. We are flipping terrified . . .
I started being pumped with antibiotics for infection, magnesium for our baby’s little brain to fight against cerebral palsy, steroids to help my baby’s lungs develop, having bloodwork done, being monitored for baby’s movements, my contractions, etc. It’s all really a blur. The whole night just began to fade away.
But let’s talk about my hero for a minute. My husband. Amidst all of this, he did everything I could have ever imagined . . .
First and foremost he made sure I was ok and was being properly taken care of. He asked the doctors and nurses all the questions I couldn’t as I was pretty drugged up. He raced back to our Air BnB while I was asleep to pack all of our bags. He dealt with our insurance. He sought medical advice from my midwives back in BC. And then he found us a way back home to BC in the safest way possible.
At 4am he whispers to me, “We are getting out of here.” I couldn’t comprehend how. He said “We are leaving in the morning. I’ve booked an emergency medical jet to get us home as long as you feel comfortable with it.” What? How? Is this safe?
My contractions had started to slow from the magnesium I was on and they started to space out to one every 45 min or so. The flight home would be 2hrs and 40min .... the medical jet had a highly experienced anesthesiologist on board who worked at LA children’s hospital delivering pre-mature babies and resuscitating them when need be. It also had a critical care nurse from the military on board. But...
What if something happened to the baby in the jet? What if I needed an emergency C-Section during the flight? What if something happened to me? What if I had to give birth in there? It was one of the toughest decisions we’ve ever had to make, but we made it together. I seemed to be stable by morning otherwise we would never have left.
We went against medical advice, signed the papers, and got picked up by ambulance to head to the airport.
We prayed and prayed as we boarded the jet. Lord, please keep this baby safe and in the womb until we get to BC.
The flight was smooth. We both slept most of the way and I only had 3 contractions on the way. Praise the Lord. Never have we been more excited to be back home in freezing cold BC. We went straight to BC Women’s Hospital and were admitted right away.
It has now been confirmed that my water is broken and I am 4cm dilated. I will be in the hospital now until the baby is born due to risk of infection, lower amniotic fluid levels, and the fact that when the baby decides to come it will most likely be very quick as I’m already half way dilated.
It’s been 9 days now. Our little hospital room has become home here and is our new normal. Our baby is being monitored regularly and is really active, happy and doing well. We are so grateful that we’ve now made it to 30+ weeks. We will probably be living here at the hospital for 6-8 weeks and are adjusting to this news and crazy experience.
A lot of times we are terrified but a lot of times we are also calm and peaceful.
When our little one gets here we will let you know. ❤️
So happy you, hubby, and baby are hanging in there! I went into labor (my water broke) at 33 4/7 weeks. He spent a short amount of time in th NICU, just to be monitored, because of his age but he is now a healthy 5 yr old! I am a L&D nurse and this happens quite often with great outcomes. Even happened to one of our best doctors at 26 weeks and baby is very well and healthy now at 4 yrs old. Sometimes they are just ready to get the party started way before anyone else! Prayers to your family!
Amazing story and thank you so much for sharing! It is really inspiring what you and your hero husband did – against medical advice but with your upmost instinct – to fly back home. Sending you and your family some warm thoughts and positive vibes! Xoxo
Had my sweet boy at 31 wks 5 days. Spent 6 wks in NICU. He’s a healthy and strong 6 year old boy. Prayers sent your way 🙏🏻
So happy to hear things are well! We had a similar experience (minus being out of the country). My water broke/gushed at 29 week, but I had no contractions for my four week stay in bed rest. All the testing was the same and the stay is what you make it! Stay calm, patient, kind to the staff and they’ll reciprocate, and trust that God is watching over you!! Our boy came right at the end at 33 weeks but his stay in the nicu was 25 days:( he’s happy and healthy now. Will pray for you as I think of you.
So happy to hear you are back in Canada. I would be so scared to be abroad while facing any kind of medical issue, especially something like going into early labour. Wishing you and your family well.
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